Staff Writer

Joey Johnston

Joey Johnston has more than 30 years of experience as a journalist with the Tampa Tribune and St. Petersburg Times. He has won a dozen national writing awards and his work has appeared in the New York Times, Washington Post, Sports Illustrated and People Magazine. He started writing for InCharge Debt Solutions in 2016.

IBR Plan with blue highlighter

Dec 21 2021

Income-Driven Student Loan Debt Relief

If you have student loan debt, you have plenty of company. More than 43 million Americans had a total of ...
Landscape in Arkansas

Nov 9 2021

Arkansas Resident Debt Relief

The average resident of Arkansas has a credit card debt of $4,791. This is lower than the national average of ...
Mountain landscape in Idaho

Nov 9 2021

Idaho Resident Debt Relief

At least one economic predictor thinks Idahoans could be on the path toward brighter days ahead. Idaho has the nation’s ...
Lighthouse on the coast of Maine

Oct 27 2021

Maine Resident Debt Relief

Maine has a reputation for resilience – thank the rugged weather and geography that has taught Mainers what it takes ...
New Hampshire landscape in autumn

Oct 25 2021

New Hampshire Resident Debt Relief

New Hampshire’s state motto, emblazoned on its license plates is “Live Free or Die,” and Granite Staters take pride in ...
Rent Payment

Jul 26 2021

What to do When You Can’t Afford Rent

Most people have to pay for housing, whether it’s a mortgage or rent and that can get expensive, especially for ...

Jun 25 2021

How I Raised My Credit Score 200 Points in a Year

When Jeromy Arroyo was growing up, there was a subject “that was pretty much off limits at home and school,” ...
Illustration of man kneeling down while carrying box full of credit card debt

Jun 17 2021

Paying off $50,000 in Credit Card Debt

Running up $50,000 in credit card debt is not impossible. About two million Americans do it every year. Paying off ...

New Mexico Debt Relief Programs & Resources

New Mexico Credit & Debt Consolidation Information The people of New Mexico are among the national leaders in a financial ...

West Virginia Debt Relief Programs & Resources

West Virginia Credit & Debt Consolidation Information One of the most basic tenets of good financial sense is figuring out ...

North Carolina Debt Relief Programs & Resources

Being the 20th most visited state in the U.S, North Carolina knows how to keep people coming. The birthplace of ...

Nevada Debt Relief Programs & Resources

Nevada Credit & Debt Consolidation Information While Nevada is predominantly known throughout America for the glitz and glamor of Las ...
Bankruptcy Header Featured

Apr 2 2021

Thank You

Success! A bankruptcy specialist will be reaching out to you soon. If you need immediate assistance, call (866) 736-7920.
Bankruptcy Header Featured

Apr 1 2021

Judgment Proof

Judgment Proof Please fill in the form below and submit the data to start processing. Convenience We listen to what's ...

Iowa Debt Relief Programs & Resources

Iowa Credit & Debt Consolidation Information Iowans have the reputation for being the tough and hard-working types able to weather ...

Kansas Debt Relief Programs & Resources

Kansas Credit & Debt Consolidation Information Credit cards let you spend more money than you have. This makes them useful, ...

Missouri Debt Relief Programs & Resources

Missouri Credit & Debt Consolidation Information Like most states, Missouri has been shaken by the Covid-19 pandemic. According to Truth ...

Virginia Debt Relief Programs and Financial Assistance Resources

Virginia Credit & Debt Consolidation Information if you’re working for minimum wage in Virginia, chances are you’d make more doing ...
Oregon landscape

Feb 4 2021

Oregon Debt Relief Programs & Resources

In recent decades, Oregon had successfully made the transition from an economy based on resources, like timber, to a more ...

Washington Debt Relief Programs & Resources

Washington Credit & Debt Consolidation Information Washington state residents historically have less credit card debt than the national average, but ...

Indiana Debt Relief Programs & Resources

Indiana has endured enough economic troubles in the past few years to last a lifetime. Luckily for the Hoosier state, ...
Jar of Money Save for College

Nov 20 2020

Best Ways to Start Saving for College

Saving for college is likely on the financial priority list for those who have (or plan to have) children, but ...
Budgeting for your baby

Oct 15 2020

Budgeting for a Baby

Whoever said children are priceless clearly never had any. Raising a baby born in 2023 to the age of 18 ...
Balance transfer credit card on scale

Sep 3 2020

What Is a Balance Transfer Credit Card?

Feeling frustrated and overwhelmed by credit-card debt? You aren’t alone. According to a Bankrate survey, 30% of American households have ...
If you debt keeps piling up, then you need to consolidate your debt to help become debt free.

Aug 4 2020

Debt Consolidation Loans: How To Consolidate Your Debt

About Consolidating Your Debt With A Loan If you have trouble making ends meet, if your stack of monthly bills is ...
Businesswoman sitting on stairs with box of belongings after being laid off

Jul 10 2020

Unemployment and Credit Card Debt

Choose Your Debt Amount Consolidate Debt in Minutes Home » Archives for Joey Johnston Handling Credit Card Debt While Unemployed ...
Comparing Internet Bill Looking To Save Money

Jun 25 2020

How to Save Money on Internet: Free and Low Cost Broadband

Free Internet You can qualify for a $50 free internet benefit from the federal government if you meet the following ...
What Happens During a Credit Counseling Session

Jun 15 2020

What Happens During a Credit Counseling Session?

Millions of Americans living paycheck to paycheck are familiar with that sinking feeling of being unable to get out of ...
Save Money On Transportation: Gas, Tolls and Maintenance

Jun 12 2020

Car Expenses: What’s Included & How To Save

Cars are a necessity. Without one, most people couldn’t hold a job, buy groceries or shuttle kids to school. But ...
Lower Car Insurance On Your Computer

Jun 2 2020

How To Save on Your Car Insurance Premiums

You drive a modest vehicle. You are safe on the road, always obeying traffic signals, staying within the speed limit, ...
The word RENT on an orange background

May 21 2020

10 Ways to Save Money on Monthly Rent Payments

If you’ve been in the market for an apartment or rental home, you know how deep you have to dig ...
People get a home after bankruptcy

May 5 2020

Getting a Mortgage After Bankruptcy

Bankruptcy doesn’t have to put an end to your dream of owning a home – it could happen as early ...
Rebuild Credit After Bankruptcy

May 4 2020

Rebuilding Your Credit After Bankruptcy

If your debts have been discharged through bankruptcy and you are employed, you should have room in your monthly budget ...
Bankruptcy Header Featured

Apr 30 2020

Understanding Bankruptcy

"I need a second chance!" That is bankruptcy in a nutshell. For whatever reason, your finances have gone sour, you're ...
Mortgage on a Debt Management Plan (DMP)

Apr 8 2020

Getting a Mortgage While in a Debt Management Program

As rosy as the housing market appears, aspiring home buyers still face obstacles. Far too many people misuse credit cards ...
One hand is holding document, another hand is crossing out text content with red pen

Apr 8 2020

How to Cancel a Debt Management Program & Remove An Account

Two common questions consumers have when considering a debt management program are: Can I cancel my debt management plan? Can ...
Debt Management Plan written on notepad lying on table with money and calculator in background

Apr 7 2020

What Kinds of Debts Can a Debt Management Plan Help With?

Debt management programs are designed primarily to assist consumers with high-interest credit card debt, but also could include any form ...
Illustration of man concerned about money problems

Apr 1 2020

How Much Does A Debt Management Program Cost?

Debt management program fees provide the money needed to operate the nonprofit credit counseling agencies that provide this service to ...
Illustration of megaphone with words Debt Management next to it

Mar 16 2020

How to Enroll in the InCharge Debt Management Program

If you are thinking about enrolling in a debt management plan to get control over your credit card debt, here’s what ...
Photo of man swapping loan agreement with wad of cash from lender

Mar 11 2020

Getting a Loan on a Debt Management Program

The purpose of a debt management program is to eliminate credit card debt and teach consumers how to manage their money. ...
man managing his debt consolidation loans online

Mar 5 2020

Online Debt Consolidation

What Is Online Debt Consolidation? Consumers who want to consolidate debt, can expedite the process by using online tools to ...
Where are all the good credit counselors?

Feb 10 2020

Finding a Reputable Credit Counselor

Credit counseling is a vastly under-tapped resource for people crippled by debt. A credit counselor’s goal is to educate consumers ...
There is a BIG difference between bad and good credit

Feb 6 2020

Benefits of Good Credit & What You Can Do With It

Your credit, good or bad, can have an impact on almost every aspect of your life, from having a roof ...
Build Credit After Being Denied a Mortgage

Jan 17 2020

Credit Repair for Mortgage Approval

Finding the perfect home is still the American dream, but finding someone willing to lend you the money for it, ...
Fair Credit Reporting Act 2016

Jan 7 2020

Fair Credit Reporting Act: Common Violations and Your Rights

A consumer’s financial future can rise and fall on what’s in their credit report so keeping a close eye on the contents ...
How Multiple Credit Inquiries Hurt My Score

Dec 3 2019

How Multiple Credit Inquiries Affect Your Credit Score

Do you panic whenever a lender or landlord proposes pulling your credit report? If so, a lot of that anxiety ...
Young man finds out his parent messed up his credit - Child Identity Protection

Dec 2 2019

My Mom Stole My Identity: What to Do When a Parent Steals Your Identity

Think most identity thieves are distant, shadowy online hackers? The truth is that your mom could steal your identity. Your ...
Credit Card and Repair Scam

Oct 29 2019

How to Avoid Credit Repair and Credit Counseling Scams

There are two terms that consumers with blemished credit reports should be careful with: credit repair and credit counseling. Credit ...
Good Credit Effect Infographic

Sep 23 2019

How to Increase Credit Score

Credit Repair Alternative: Credit Report Education & Action Plan If you knew that you could improve your financial health today, ...
Graphic of man cutting through debt

Aug 29 2019

How Mike Bell Paid Off $18,000 in Credit Card Debt

Mike Bell has been through some battles in his life – literally and figuratively –and he just won one that’s ...
American flag

Aug 13 2019

Military and Veteran Debt Relief

Five Military Debt Relief Programs Members of the military have plenty to worry about when they are serving our country. ...
Illustration of Bankruptcy Alternatives

Aug 1 2019

Bankruptcy Alternatives

Federal and state laws provide bankruptcy as a remedy for unmanageable debt, but the price you pay to clear away ...
Debt Settlement vs Debt Counseling

Jul 26 2019

Should You Choose Debt Settlement or Credit Counseling?

You’ve tried it all – eating Raman noodles twice a day, creating a budget, cutting your cable TV – but ...
Man checking his free annual credit report

Jul 18 2019

How Do You Get Your Annual Credit Report?

Everybody makes mistakes. That goes for governments, banks and even the credit bureaus overseeing your credit reports. You can spot ...
Learn the pros and cons of debt management programs and debt settlement programs

Jul 16 2019

Debt Management vs. Debt Settlement

The one constant in the U.S. economy over the last six years is debt. It keeps going up … and ...
Computer displaying an online credit counseling course

Jul 1 2019

Online Credit Counseling

Nowadays, we do everything online. We pay the bills, shop for groceries, and order Chinese food without leaving the comfort ...
Business man pulling the weight of debt

Jun 10 2019

Should You Consolidate Business Debts?

Business loans are terrific for turning expansion dreams into reality or paying expenses in a lull, but they can also ...
Warning Sign That Says Debt Avalanche

May 31 2019

The Debt Avalanche Payoff Method

If you’re swamped in debt and it’s harder each month to at least pay your minimum credit card balances, inaction ...
Student loan consolidation reminder on sticky note

May 30 2019

How to Consolidate & Refinance Student Loans

If you are a recent college graduate, chances are you’re still struggling to wrap your head around the student loan ...
Tina Bright and family

Mar 22 2019

How Tina and Eddie Paid Off $24,000 in Credit Card Debt

Everyone knows that debt is an unacceptable subject in polite circles, especially if you’re the one not paying the bills. ...
Michele Allen standing in client home working to pays off her debt

Feb 28 2019

How Michele Conquered $7,000 in Credit Card Debt

Imagine the commotion in a household with five children ages four through 23, run by a single parent who is ...
Petition for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy paperwork

Nov 28 2018

Getting Reorganized: Chapter 11 Bankruptcy

Chapter 11 bankruptcy does for businesses what Chapter 13 does for individuals in terms of buying time to reorganize in ...
Top 5 Budget Apps of the Year

Oct 31 2018

Top 5 Budget Apps

Budgeting has a straightforward rule: spend less than you earn. Sure, it's a lot easier said than done, but it's ...
Statute of limitations on Credit Card Debt Map of USA

Oct 22 2018

Statute of Limitations on Debt Collection by State

The “Statute of Limitations” for credit card debt is a law limiting the amount of time lenders and collection agencies have to ...
Debt Problem in Marriages

Jun 29 2018

Debt a Big Problem for Marriages

What are the most devastating words spoken in a marriage? (Multiple choice): A) “I’m seeing someone else.” B) “I totaled ...
Hospital Emergency Room Door

Mar 8 2018

From Medical Emergency to Debt Free: How I Paid Off My Debt

Ryan Nokes was a teenager when his parents gave him his first credit card with this very stern warning: "This ...
Couple in newly rented apartment

Jan 10 2018

Renting with Bad Credit

Yes, it is possible to rent an apartment with bad credit, and there are ways to boost your appeal as ...
Short sales can affect your credit score.

Dec 1 2017

Does a Short Sale Affect Your Credit Score?

Short sale or foreclosure? Short sale … or foreclosure? What should I do? That was the unhappy decision a lot ...
Hope for Domestic Violence Survivors

Nov 6 2017

Finding Financial Help for Domestic Violence Victims

Domestic violence, as experts are learning and victims have known for a long time, goes way beyond simply “violence.” It ...
Senior Women with piggy bank

Feb 23 2017

Financial Help for Senior Citizens

About Senior Citizens Debt Relief Where have the years gone? Nearly every 60-something person has wondered and worried about the ...
Serious professional female advisor consulting client at meeting

Dec 15 2016

Pre-file Credit Counseling

Take our pre-file credit counseling course to receive a certificate of completion in compliance with the Bankruptcy Code. Start Pre-file ...
Gavel and scale with platform labeled bankruptcy, bookcases in background

Dec 14 2016

Pre-Discharge Bankruptcy Education

Start Pre-Discharge Course Now Home » Archives for Joey Johnston About Pre-Discharge Education Bankruptcy petitioners all have one goal: getting ...
Hand with marker writing the word Get Out of Debt

Dec 7 2016

Credit Counseling vs Bankruptcy

Bankruptcy and credit counseling both can be used to fight crippling debt and often they work together to resolve your problems. Laws demand ...
Lowest Interest Rate

Jun 30 2016

Low Interest Debt Consolidation Loans

Debt consolidation is a common “get-out-of-trouble” solution for troubled consumers, especially those with overwhelming credit card debt. You take out ...
Debt Divided in a Divorce

Nov 3 2015

How Debt Is Split in Divorce: Credit Card, Mortgage, Auto & Medical

Splitting assets is a priority for married couples, but what happens with debt during a divorce is just as important, ...
Free Savings Account On Internet Tablet

Aug 5 2015

Opening a Free Savings Account With No Minimum Balance

A common question among young people just getting started with "adulting," or others trying to battle their way back from ...
Fnancial Budget Goals

Jun 30 2015

How to Set and Achieve Financial Goals

If you want to buy a new car or climb Mt. Everest or retire to a yacht, there’s one sure ...
Graph increasing and decreasing

Apr 28 2021

Should You Be Investing While You Are In Debt?

The stock market is setting records every week, which creates a real temptation for people in debt. Every time you ...

Feb 11 2020

Create a Special Valentine’s Day on a Budget

Love makes people do foolish things. Nothing is more foolish than going into debt for Valentine's Day. We're not anti-love. ...
Financial Monthly Calendar

Dec 10 2019

Your Personal Finance Calendar for 2024

Resolution: 2024 is the year you’ll get financially organized, day by day. You know the drill this time of year. ...
Be prepared for disaster

Aug 29 2019

Make Sure Your Family Has a Disaster Plan

June 1 marks the beginning of hurricane season. Meanwhile, across much of the Western U.S., major droughts have greatly increased ...
Scales weighing Credit Card Debt and Tax Debt

Aug 15 2019

Should I Pay Credit Cards or Tax Debt?

The choice between paying credit card debt and taxes isn’t as simple as calculating money saved on interest. Failing to ...
Middle aged man laid off job

May 14 2019

Finding a New Job After 50

Getting laid off is traumatic, but at least I got the bad news in a fitting place. I was in ...
Tips to earn extra money with a man on a computer

Jun 1 2018

How to Pay Off Debt by Making More Money

One of the best ways to get out of credit card debt is the old-fashioned way – earn more money. ...
Senior citizen at work

May 15 2018

Retired and in Debt: Help for Senior Citizens

Debt is a growing threat to the retirement plans of Americans. In fact, the only time most retirees will be ...
get out of debt

Apr 12 2018

How I Got Into and Out of $45,000 in Credit Card Debt

Walter was one of millions of Americans financially swept under during the Great Recession a decade ago. Before the downturn, ...
myths spelled out with blocks

Mar 23 2018

Debt Management Myths: What You Need to Know

Debt management plans might be the most productive and least appreciated member in the family of debt-relief solutions that includes debt ...

Mar 23 2018

Top 5 Retirement Roadblocks and How to Clear Them

A disturbing number of Americans are speeding toward a financial cliff called retirement. Unless they change their saving habits, they ...
Pink Slip that reads Layoff Notice

Jan 26 2018

How to Be Prepared If You Lose Your Job

Getting a pink slip might not be as devastating as learning you have a serious medical problem, but the trauma ...
Heart and Money on a scale being weighed

Jan 3 2018

Dating and Debt

Is carrying a lot of debt worse than carrying a lot of weight? If you’re a millennial the shocking answer ...
Robots working in a factory

Dec 19 2017

The 3 Reasons For Wage Stagnation: Globalization, Temp Work and Automation

If you want a raise in 2018, please don’t hold your breath. You might not make it to 2019. More ...
Financial Health Survey

Nov 15 2017

How’s Your Financial Health? CFPB Survey Says America Needs Work.

So you want to avoid financial problems in 2018? Fear not, Uncle Sam is on the case. The Consumer Financial ...
Women Shopping for the Holidays

Nov 10 2017

101 Holiday Savings Tips

If you’re still paying off the bills from last year’s holiday merriment, we’ve got a list for you. You’ll find ...
Equifax Security Breach Computer and Phone

Sep 12 2017

Tips for Dealing with the Equifax Security Breach

The recent security breach at the Equifax credit reporting agency exposed a gold mine of personal information on 143 million ...
No Raises For Workers

Aug 15 2017

No Raise Coming: Why You’re Not Getting a Salary Increase this Year

Warning! No Raise Coming for Most of Us There is plenty of advice out there on how to get a ...
Student Loan Debt

Jul 25 2017

Student Loan Debt a Curse on Millennial Generation

It’s not easy being a Millennial. They get ridiculed more than Donald Trump, though at least Johnny Depp hasn’t threatened ...
Department Store Credit Card

May 24 2017

Store Credit Cards Not Consumer’s Best Friend

Everyone knows the pitch. You’ve spent half an hour trying on clothes off the rack at a shopping mall department ...
We have many resources available to help teachers teach financial literacy with their students.

May 19 2017

The Current State of Financial Literacy in America: Be Afraid

We are a nation of financial dunces. For proof, try answering this question. Why should want to improve your credit ...
Car Insurance On A Computer

Apr 4 2017

I Can’t Pay My Car Insurance: How to Save on Your Premium

If you’re having a hard time finding affordable auto insurance, here’s some strange-but-true advice to solve the problem: Move and/or ...
Consolidate Bills

Mar 29 2017

How Do You Consolidate Your Bills?

The first step in consolidating your bills is calculating how much debt you have and how much income is available ...
Pay Off High Interest Credit Card

Mar 22 2017

How Do I Pay Off My High Interest Credit Card Debt?

Paying off high interest credit card debt can be accomplished by utilizing a mix of strategies. Among them: ceasing all ...
Man Punching Tax Debt Issues

Mar 15 2017

What to do When You Can’t Pay Your Income Taxes: A 3-Step Plan

It’s the least wonderful time of the year for millions of cash-strapped Americans thanks to three letters – I-R-S! Income ...
College Student Credit Card

Mar 15 2017

Don’t Pay College Tuition with a Credit Card

As a strategy, paying for college with a credit card sounds enticing. Your card probably offers generous air miles or ...
Tax Refund Emergency Fund

Feb 23 2017

Kick-Start Your Emergency Fund with Your Tax Return

One morning, the sound of raindrops wakes you up and your first thought is “Not another rainy day! And your ...
How Long Will Negative Mark Affect Credit Report

Feb 10 2017

How Long do Negative Marks Stay on a Credit Report?

Generally speaking, negative marks remain on your credit report for seven years, though Chapter 7 bankruptcy stays on for 10 ...
Good vs Bad Credit: Learn the difference

Jan 19 2017

Good Credit vs Bad Credit: How to Tell The Difference

Kenny Rogers is a singer, not a debt management adviser, but if you want financial security, take his famous words ...
Best Mortgage Loan

Jan 11 2017

How to Find the Best Mortgage for You

Finding the right home loan – and a credible lender willing to offer it – isn’t easy. Since the Great ...
Maximum Social Security 2017

Jan 11 2017

Social Security Increases Maximum Taxable Earnings for 2017

The government just gave a raise to a lot of Americans who really need one. Now they just have to ...
coins sprouting a plant savings concept

Dec 21 2016

Retirement Account Changes in 2017

After a year of political upheaval and economic uncertainty, it might come as a relief that 2017 holds few surprises ...
Budget in the City

Dec 7 2016

How to Live in a Big City and Not Go Broke

Eddie Hall wanted to become an actor. So where did he go? Where else? After high school, he left his ...
Health Savings Accounts

Dec 7 2016

Health Savings Accounts: Is a FSA Or an HSA Right for You?

Saving for medical bills isn’t nearly as fun as putting money aside for a trip to Disney World or a ...
Student Credit Card

Dec 6 2016

When to Give Your Kids a Debit Card

More than one-third of college students say managing a bank account is a major cause of stress. Also, 12% say ...
Child Care Savings

Nov 30 2016

How to Save Money on Childcare Costs

Sara Greenwood works at a bank. Her husband travels frequently for his job. Their parents live in different states. The ...
Highest Credit Debt Generation X

Nov 29 2016

Generation X Has the Most Credit Card Debt

Gen Xers, the most neglected generational group in America, lugs around the most credit card debt. If you’re involved in ...
Pay Mortgage Early

Nov 14 2016

Should You Pay Off Your Mortgage Early: Pros, Cons & Early Pay-Off Tips

Paying off a home is a large part of the American dream — if any of us ever actually get ...
Open Enrollment

Nov 10 2016

How to Survive Open Enrollment and Save Money on Health Insurance Premiums

As companies approach the “open enrollment” period for employees choosing health insurance, it pays to research benefit options and read ...
How to get a small Personal Loan

Nov 10 2016

How to Get a Small Personal Loan: Fees, Term and What to Avoid

Central air conditioners always die when you need them most. Rebecca discovered that on 100-degree afternoon last July. Without warning, ...
Homebuyer Mistakes To Avoid

Nov 7 2016

First-Time Homebuyer Mistakes You Want to Avoid

Stacie Samuels wants a do-over as a first-time home buyer. Samuels, a nurse practitioner from St. Petersburg, believed she was ...
Raising ATM Fees

Nov 3 2016

Why ATM Fees Are Rising and How to Avoid Them

Standing outside an ATM at two in the morning, Thomas Knapp couldn’t help but hear his economics professor’s words ringing ...
Prepaid Card Rules

Nov 2 2016

New Rules for Prepaid Cards: CFPB Calls For Transparency

The soaring popularity of prepaid cards will be put to the test over the next year as providers adjust to ...
stethoscope on credit card

Oct 31 2016

Why a Great Credit Score Doesn’t Indicate Financial Health

Credit scores are like plastic surgery. They can make you look good, but good credit does not necessarily mean you’re ...

Oct 27 2016

How to Teach Children Good Financial Habits: CFPB Releases Building Blocks

Laura Adams, known nationally as the “Money Girl,’’ is a personal finance expert, a best-selling author and the creator of ...
Credit Card Myths and Facts

Oct 24 2016

Six Credit Card Myths Debunked

Ric Edelman, a financial adviser who is a best-selling author and syndicated radio show host, remembers the days when everyone ...
Personal Financial Calendar 2017

Oct 21 2016

Your Personal Financial Calendar for 2017

Have you ever wondered, as you peered enviously over the hedge at the neighbor’s place, whether that shiny Beemer in ...

Oct 20 2016

Money Secrets and Lack of Planning Harm Retirement Dreams

By all accounts, David and Margie Stapleton did an admirable job reaching their financial goals before retirement. They have a ...
flag election buttons

Oct 19 2016

How a Clinton or Trump Presidency Will Impact Your Finances

This might bore you, but the following story on the presidential election does not address beauty queens, philandering husbands or ...
young man paying bills at desk

Jul 28 2016

FINRA Study Shows Growth In Financial Capability

Nearly one-third of American consumers find it easier to pay their bills, have more opportunities to save money for the ...
How do deal with money wasters

Nov 3 2015

How to Stop Enabling Financially Irresponsible Family Members

Dealing with the Financially Irresponsible Giving financial help to a family member – especially if it’s yet another cash payment ...