Debt Relief

Debtors Anonymous Support Group

Debtors Anonymous

By Robert Shaw | November 28, 2018

A friend confides that the house sale she thought would bring a free-and-clear down payment on a retirement condo in sunnier climates took a surprise turn. Before settlement, her husband…

Petition for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy paperwork

Getting Reorganized: Chapter 11 Bankruptcy

By Joey Johnston | November 28, 2018

Chapter 11 bankruptcy does for businesses what Chapter 13 does for individuals in terms of buying time to reorganize in hopes the business can turn things around and pay off…

Two people shaking hands over pile of coins

Bankruptcy vs. Debt Relief

By Robert Shaw | September 11, 2018

Debt relief vs. bankruptcy is on a lot of our minds these days. Not without reason. Some of us are in big financial trouble. U.S. households owe $17.8 trillion in…

worried over bills

5 Ways to Reduce Financial Stress

By Tom Jackson | August 9, 2018

Feeling the squeeze from financial worry? Saying you’re not alone isn’t useful. Saying there’s professional help for your condition just might be the best thing this side of winning the…

Why Choose Certified Counselors

Working with a Certified Credit Counselor

By Tom Jackson | July 11, 2018

When you’re looking for financial advice, you would hope there are two things you can count on from the person on the end of the phone: They know what they…

DIY Pay Off Credit Card Debt

DIY Debt Consolidation: How to Consolidate Debt on Your Own

By Tom Jackson | July 2, 2018

Americans who carry balances month over month should be alarmed by the interest they’re paying: As the Federal Reserve persists in incremental hikes, credit card rates keep surging. But there’s…

Credit Card Debt Forgiveness

By Tom Jackson | May 24, 2018

Kevin Briggs was a successful landlord with a six-figure income, but after a year of pandemic challenges, he found himself in 2021 with $45,000 in credit card debt. “I was…

get out of debt

How I Got Into and Out of $45,000 in Credit Card Debt

By Joey Johnston | April 12, 2018

Walter was one of millions of Americans financially swept under during the Great Recession a decade ago. Before the downturn, he and his wife owned a large home in western…


How to Be Successful in a DMP

By Tom Jackson | April 12, 2018

So, you’ve finally taken the big step and enrolled in a debt relief program. Now what? If you’re going to succeed, you’ll have to alter the lifestyle that got you…

myths spelled out with blocks

Debt Management Myths: What You Need to Know

By Joey Johnston | March 23, 2018

Debt management plans might be the most productive and least appreciated member in the family of debt-relief solutions that includes debt consolidation loans, debt settlement and bankruptcy. DMPs, as they are…


  1. N.A. (ND) Debtors Anonymous. Retrieved from
  2. Konish, L. (2018, August 11) Your debts and shopping could become an addiction. Here’s what recovery looks like. Retrieved from
  3. Heshmat, S. (2018, June 12) 5 Patterns of Compulsive Buying. Retrieved from
  4. N.A. (ND) Are you a compulsive debtor? Retrieved from