Staff Writer

Tom Jackson

Tom Jackson focuses on writing about debt solutions for consumers struggling to make ends meet. His background includes time as a columnist for newspapers in Washington D.C., Tampa and Sacramento, Calif., where he reported and commented on everything from city and state budgets to the marketing of local businesses and how the business of professional sports impacts a city. Along the way, he has racked up state and national awards for writing, editing and design. Tom’s blogging on the 2016 election won a pair of top honors from the Florida Press Club. A University of Florida alumnus, St. Louis Cardinals fan and eager-if-haphazard golfer, Tom splits time between Tampa and Cashiers, N.C., with his wife of 40 years, college-age son, and Spencer, a yappy Shetland sheepdog.

Woman filing taxes from savings account

May 9 2024

Do You Pay Taxes on a High-Yield Savings Account?

High-yield savings accounts have become the no-brainer strategy for large portions of the investor class, for an assortment of compelling ...
Sticky note with 50-30-20 budget rule written on it

Feb 9 2024

The 50/30/20 Rule for Budgeting

Virtually every successful financial plan rises from the same foundation: a workable, sustainable, well-balanced budget. As with most schemes, however, ...
Family moving into a new home

Feb 6 2024

Orlando Home Buyers Club

For more information about the Orlando Home Buyers Club contact Charlene Rose by email at [email protected]. To join the Home ...
Happy Family With Money

Oct 13 2023

On Our Way to Debt Free: How InCharge is Helping our Family

Rebecca Brady didn’t do anything extravagant to get into debt. It was just everyday life. “It was just our own ...
Letter from payday lender with urgent final notice stamped on it

May 31 2023

Defaulting on a Payday Loan

If you’re anxiously waiting on your next paycheck but need money fast, one question might pop into your head: “Is ...
Older couple that is debt free on vacation

Mar 24 2023

Debt-Free Retirement

Almost half of Americans expect to retire in debt, according to a 2022 survey by the financial site MagnifyMoney. Even ...
Marline Davis-Iwuji Headshot

Oct 30 2023

InCharge Peers Celebrate Marline Davis-Iwuji

It is not an exaggeration to say that InCharge co-workers are FOND of Marline Davis-Iwuji. FOND is the employee peer-to-peer ...
Teri Logan Headshot

Oct 27 2023

Army & InCharge Veteran Wants You to Budget

A 2023 nationwide survey said that 73% of Americans don’t have a budget they regularly follow. Teri Logan, the Care ...
Carolyn Green Headshot

Oct 13 2023

InCharge Celebrates Carolyn Green: Most Tenured Credit Counselor

If you bump into Carolyn Green at a company function, don’t ask her what she does at InCharge Debt Solutions. ...
Edwidge Bissainthe Headshot

Aug 23 2023

Congratulations Edwidge Bissainthe: Senior Accountant

Back when everyone worked from the office, for most InCharge employees, there was one face everyone could name if someone ...
Myrian Naccaratto

Aug 18 2023

Mirian Naccaratto: Putting the Human Touch into Human Resources

It’s funny how sometimes people pick a career … and sometimes a career picks the person. Mirian Naccaratto was the ...
Loretta Rooney

Aug 17 2023

Introducing InCharge’s new President and CEO: Loretta Roney – a Force for Good

After a nationwide search, there’s a new CEO in town, and her name is Loretta Roney. She brings a rich ...
Seiji Headshot social

Aug 17 2023

Meet Seiji Shiraishi –Treasurer and Director of Finance & Accounting

When Seiji Shiraishi was 39, he was running the financial operations of a small risk management firm which was purchased ...
Text graphic that says "Tax Day Is Coming Up!"

Feb 14 2023

What You Need to Know This Tax Season (2022-23 Guide)

If it’s that moment on the calendar when prognosticating becomes a daily ritual in America, it must be tax filing ...
A young girl holding school supplies

Aug 4 2022

10 Tips for Back-to-School Shopping on a Budget

Long before COVID, another pandemic would hit America every August – the Back-To-School Blues. After a blissful summer, countless kids ...
Phone notification reminding you to cancel a subscription service

Jul 13 2022

Are Subscription Monitoring Apps Worth It?

The world has gone subscription crazy. You can sign up for almost every service known to man, and probably a ...
Hands counting extra income earned from a side job

Mar 29 2021

19 Side Jobs to Make More Money

Money is tight – we get it. But thanks to the internet and technology, it’s easier than ever to make ...
Buy Now Pay Later

Feb 4 2021

What Is Buy Now Pay Later (BNPL)?

Buy now and pay later is taking the market by storm, but will you be taken to the cleaners if ...
Parking sign that says "NO DEBT PARKING"

Jan 21 2021

Beware of Debt Parking

Dealing with debt collectors already is an unpleasant encounter, but some collectors have found a way to sour the experience ...
Stack of bills payments that have been deferred

Jul 2 2020

Beware of Forbearance and Deferred Payments

If there’s an upside to the economic trauma brought about by the coronavirus pandemic — stipulated: we’re straining  for a ...
Paperwork with furlough stamp

May 7 2020

How to Manage Debt While on Furlough

Remember the good old days? Just a few long months ago, the economy was roaring and nobody outside Wuhan had ...
Pink Slip that reads Layoff Notice

Mar 17 2020

What to Do When You Get Laid Off

Layoffs are a common experience — 40% of workers report having been laid off at least once and according to ...
Military man holding out money in front of flag

Feb 20 2020

How To Manage Debt For Active Duty Military, Veterans, & Their Families

Joining the military means sacrifice. It shouldn't mean you give up financial security and end up in debt. Unfortunately, service ...
Piggy bank sleeping

Jan 2 2020

Dormant Bank Account Rules & Escheated Funds

There’s an estimated $58 billion in unclaimed money out there waiting to find a home and it’s probably worth the ...
Sign that reads "New Year's Resolution Debt Free!" surrounded by fireworks

Dec 26 2019

New Year’s Resolution: How to Get Out of Debt in 2020

Surveys show most Americans will make a resolution to get out of debt in 2020. Surveys also show most Americans ...
Christmas presents sitting under a Christmas tree

Nov 25 2019

Tips for Avoiding Debt This Christmas

Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year - if you're a credit card company. Billions of dollars are ...
Chart of stocks and mutual funds

Nov 13 2019

Mutual Funds vs. Stocks

Some debates have no set answer, like which band was better - The Beatles vs. The Rolling Stones? Stocks vs. ...
Table set for Thanksgiving Day dinner

Nov 1 2019

Debt Was Part of Thanksgiving the Day the Pilgrims Arrived

Everybody is familiar with Thanksgiving traditions like eating turkey, watching football and trying to avoid annoying relatives at the dinner ...
Raise Credit Your Score Fast Rocket

Oct 3 2019

Can My Credit Score Go Up 100 Points in a Month?

What’s in a number? If it’s your credit score, a lot, especially if you keep it a high level – ...
Examining paycheck and bills

Sep 27 2019

Ending the Cycle of Living Paycheck-to-Paycheck

Surviving paycheck-to-paycheck in America is simultaneously commonplace and scary. But this doesn’t mean people just scraping by can’t overcome the ...
Checklist of debts to pay first

Sep 11 2019

Which Debt to Pay Off First

Facing a mound of piling debts each month is an exhausting process. You may be tempted to throw chunks of ...
Box of stuff to sell online

Aug 27 2019

Where (and how) to Sell Your Stuff Online

Once upon a proverb, “One man’s trash is another man’s treasure” was just another way of saying, as 1960s hipsters ...
Jar of retirement savings

Jun 19 2019

When to Take Social Security Benefits

Your golden years should be an era of leisure and adventure, of self-discovery and reinvention. For most, maximizing our retirement ...
Father's day card

May 30 2019

Father’s Day Gift? Take Some Financial Pressure off Dad

Millions of dads won’t admit it, but what they really want for Father’s Day isn’t an Apple watch or a ...
Military Man with family in park

Jan 14 2019

Military Saves: What Is it and How to Participate

The stress of dealing with financial problems is a huge concern in the military and one of the reasons it ...
worried over bills

Aug 9 2018

5 Ways to Reduce Financial Stress

Feeling the squeeze from financial worry? Saying you’re not alone isn’t useful. Saying there’s professional help for your condition just ...
DIY Pay Off Credit Card Debt

Jul 2 2018

DIY Debt Consolidation: How to Consolidate Debt on Your Own

Americans who carry balances month over month should be alarmed by the interest they’re paying: As the Federal Reserve persists ...
Destination wedding budget jar

Jun 21 2018

Destination Weddings Don’t Have to Break the Bank

These days, for the launching of a lifetime together, the only thing better than a properly organized wedding is a ...
laundry hanging on a line

Apr 23 2018

Being Frugal Is for Everyone: How the Frugalwoods Can Inspire You

You don’t have to be a fan of extreme frugality to have heard of Elizabeth and Nate Thames and probably ...

Apr 12 2018

How to Be Successful in a DMP

So, you’ve finally taken the big step and enrolled in a debt relief program. Now what? If you’re going to ...
Make Money by Driving for Uber

Mar 29 2018

How to Improve Your Debt-to-Income Ratio with Higher Income

Borrower beware! If you are hoping to score a car or home loan and don’t know your debt-to-income ratio, you ...
couple evaluating bills

Mar 23 2018

Debt Consolidation vs Home Equity Loans

There can be benefits to using a home equity loan to pay off credit card debt, including lower and fixed ...
Raise in consumers using credit cards

Jan 24 2018

Rising Credit Card Use in America

With the rise of online shopping, there is no doubt that Americans are using credit cards more than ever. There’s ...