Credit Cards
How to Reduce Credit Card Interest Credit cards have some great perks (who doesn’t love cash back?), but pesky high interest rates can cancel out those benefits. High interest rates…
Dave Ramsey has made the term “Debt Snowball” famous, but if you’re buried under an avalanche of debt, is his remedy more like a debt snow job? Ramsey disciples would…
Using credit or charge cards to pay for purchases is a fact of life in today’s economy. Credit cards are convenient and easy to use – so much so that,…
How To Manage Credit Card Debt Managing credit card debt can be difficult and complicated. Before coming up with a debt relief strategy that works for you, you should learn…
If your monthly debt payments outside of mortgage or rent exceed 20% of your income, you have a debt problem that requires attention. The good news is you have options.…
Mark Boileau of Dallas recently bought a new Toyota Prius with the help of a “convenience check” issued by his credit card company. But his experience turned out to be…
With online banking available at the click of a button, it’s become easier than ever to manage credit cards, even if you have multiple accounts. When you use credit card…
Many of us know we have an option to use a debit card but don’t take advantage because we lack knowledge or interest or simply are in the habit of…
One of the most important relationship questions couples face before they marry – How much debt do you have? — often isn’t asked, but might serve as a commitment speed…
An executor will not be held personally responsible for paying off a deceased credit card debt or other debt. However, an executor can be held responsible for mistakes made while…
- Kaufman, R (2016, September 26) Credit Scores 101: What's a Good Credit Score Range? Retrieved from
- Comoreanu, A (2019, October 17) Credit Card Landscape Report: Terms, Trends & More. Retrieved from