Credit Cards
If you’re wondering how to pay off $15,000 in credit card debt, you can comfort yourself with the fact that you’re not alone. More than 40% of U.S. households carry…
Credit Card Debt More than 50 million U.S. household carry credit card debt over from month-to-month and, according to the Federal Reserve, the average amount they owe is $6,270. Nonprofit…
Running up $50,000 in credit card debt is not impossible. About two million Americans do it every year. Paying off that bill? Well, that’s not impossible either, though it is…
Using a credit card is sort of like going down one of those tall slides. It’s fun. But then at the end the ride ends and the climb back up…
Debt has consequences, some of which will surprise the average American. No, we’re not talking jail time. Debtor’s prisons were abolished nearly two hundred years ago, but untamed debt can…
Choose Your Debt Amount Consolidate Debt in Minutes Handling Credit Card Debt While Unemployed A strange thing happened when the COVID-19 economic shutdown hit the United States — millions of…
America is finding it harder than ever to pay off credit card debt. Total credit card debt is $1.115 trillion in 2024, according to the Federal Reserve. That’s up $129 billion in…
If you’re swamped in debt and it’s harder each month to at least pay your minimum credit card balances, inaction isn’t an option. But how do you tackle what could…
About Credit Card Hardship Programs Generally speaking, Americans are late in paying off credit card balances and the situation could get far worse after the devastating fallout from the coronavirus.…
What to Do When You Can’t Afford Credit Card Payments What happens when just meeting the minimum payments is beyond your means and you’ve come to the tough realization you…
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- Leonhardt, M. (2020, May 29) 78% of Americans Have Saved Roughly $245 During the Pandemic by Not Going Out to Eat. Retrieved from
- Kiersz, A. (2018, September 18) How much the average American millennial, Gen Xer, and baby boomer spends each year eating out. Retrieved from
- Amadeo, K. (2019 March 19) Average U.S. Credit Card Debt Statistics. Retrieved from
- Frankel, M. (2018, May 8) How does the average American spend their paycheck? Retrieved from
- USDA (2018, November 29) Food Prices and Spending. Retrieved from
- USDA (2018, October 24) U.S. Food Away From Home Spending Continued to Outpace Food at Home Spending in 2017. Retrieved from
- Value Penguin (2018, March 9) Average Debt Consolidation Loan Interest Rates for 2019: By Credit Score and Loan Term. Retrieved from