Book an Appointment

Find out how you can become debt free. Speak with one of our qualified financial professionals to discover your options.

What Is Debt Counseling?

Debt counseling is a free service that provides help with budgeting, tips to successfully manage your money, and solutions for becoming debt free.

It involves a 30-minute interview with a financial expert who gathers information about your situation and needs. At the end of the interview, you will receive a recommended debt relief solution to put you on a financially healthy path.

Talk with a financial expert

Discover your options for debt relief

Get a grip on your finances

Start your journey toward debt freedom

How it Works


Book an Appointment

Fill out the contact form above, and we will give you a call at the selected time.


Talk with an Expert

A financial expert will help you review your budget and analyze your debt before recommending a solution.


Get a Solution

Our financial experts will recommend a solution tailored to your specific needs.

What to Expect

Budget Review

A financial expert helps you create a budget that includes personalized suggestions on cutting expenses.

Debt Analysis

We will do a full review of the debt accounts in your credit report.


An action plan with recommended debt solutions, and alternatives available to you.

About InCharge Debt Solutions

As a nonprofit, we are committed to helping you make informed decisions about your finances. InCharge Debt Solutions was founded in 1997 with a mission to promote financial literacy by providing access to free educational material and connecting you with a qualified financial counselor.