Partner With Us

InCharge Debt Solutions provides partners with a wealth of inspiring and informative materials through newsletter communications, co-branded websites, printed worksheets, and podcasts.

A+ Rating

By Better Business Bureau

5 Star Review Trust Pilot

Over 1,500 TrustPilot Reviews

Over 3 Million

Clients Helped By InCharge


How We Can Help Your Clients

InCharge Debt Solutions partners with organizations, companies, law firms, employers and educational institutions where such a partnership can aid our clients (by bringing to their attention valuable products or services) or help in enhancing the financial literacy of their employees, students or clients.

Employee Financial Wellness

InCharge will partner with employers to provide our certified financial and housing counseling services to employees.

Outplacement Services

InCharge provides the Pre-Filing Credit Counseling and Pre-Discharge Education courses required by the Code.

Homebuyer Education

As a HUD-approved agency, we offer homebuyer education and foreclosure prevention counseling.

Financial Education

From elementary schools to college campuses, We are passionate about offering financial literacy education to the next generation.

Financial Help and Wellness for Banks and Credit Unions

InCharge is a leading nonprofit credit counseling agency and partners with many banks and creditors who refer their clients to InCharge.